
Far From Any Road (Main Title Theme from "True Detective") - The Handsome Family



【另类乡村】The Handsome Family - Far from Any Road


此曲系美剧《真探》(True Detective )片头曲《Far from Any Road》(远离任何道路)。《真探》是一部阴郁暗黑的美国中部谋杀哲学剧,剧情暗潮涌动,其中涉及哲学部分的对话尤其精彩。

The Handsome Family,夫妻档乐队,丈夫来自德克萨斯,工作是石油钻井,妻子来自长岛,是一位作家。其音乐植根于美国最传统的乡村音乐,融合了蓝草 和murder ballads;歌词主题经常利用哥特小说并涉及murders, suicides 和ghosts,带有阴郁黑暗的谋杀民谣气质。

《Peace in the Valley Once Again》

When they closed the last shopping mall
Crickets sang in crumbling walls
Termites ate through the doors
And rabbits hopped along the floors

The empty shelves swarmed with bees
Cash machines sprouted weeds
Lizards crawled the parking lot
Swallows flew the empty shops

And there was peace in the valley once again

Plants grew up the mannequins
Painting them with leafy skin
Clear plastic eyes fell to the floor
And were carried off by wild boars

All the mirrors cracked in half
When wild horses galloped past
And mourning doves built their nests
On the escalator steps

And there was peace in the valley once again
And there was peace in the valley once again

